With the advances of technology over the last few years, along with the new techniques we have developed, there are now numerous ways that batteries can be used on a site to achieve the greatest efficiencies. We can now successfully hybridise a ‘Load on Demand’ in certain applications which reduces fuel consumption.
When the generator runs, it is made to work as efficiently as possible with any spare energy being stored in a battery pack. When the battery is charged and demand for power is low, the generator can turn off and the energy stored in the battery is used to supply the load. When the battery runs low, or the load increases the generator is told to start up again. This process is automatic.
The hybrid system has been widely used in construction and is something that we have successfully adopted and implemented at major events in recent years, including Platium Jubilee Pageant, TM King Charles III & Queen Camilla’s Coronation, Radio 1’s Big Weekend, Extreme E and D-DAY 80.
The success of this is reliant on the people on site and pre planning of its use as trying to draw too much power from the hybrid drains the batteries quicker, meaning the generator must start up to re-charge the unit. If too much power is consumed, then the generator would never switch off rendering the battery unit useless.
Battery energy storage systems (BESS) can also be used for peak shaving in large scale installations, with careful planning this could include a main stage at a concert or Broadcast although BESS systems have larger costs associated with them. The system follows a similar format to the above hybrid units, however, by using upper and lower setpoints the generator stays at a constant with the BESS handling any peaks above the upper setpoint
Whether you’re looking for full consultancy service, sustainable solutions or to dry hire equipment, our experienced team is always on hand to discuss your next event or project.